XJob Alerts

What we offer

𝕏 (formerly known as Twitter) launched a new job service for companies using 𝕏. We bring these new offers in realtime to your inbox so you can easily monitor new offerings with several filters: location, sector of activity, and even the company or account who posted.

Real-Time Email Alerts

Receive instant notifications about new job postings directly to your inbox, with the ability to filter by location, sector, and company.

Customizable Filters

Tailor your job search with customizable filters to find the perfect role for you. Filter by location, industry, or specific companies.

Stay up to date

Get job offers straight from 𝕏. We check often for new offers to ensure you have the latest opportunities.

Sector-Specific Opportunities

Whether you're looking for tech, finance, or creative roles, our service sorts and delivers job offers by sector.

User-Friendly Interface

Our platform is designed for ease of use, allowing you to set up alerts and filters quickly and efficiently.

Evolving Service

Our service is continuously improving, with new features being added regularly to enhance your job search experience.

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